Ben Affleck, the BAFTA-winning actor and Oscar-winning director and screenwriter, has been cast as Batman in Warner Bros' forthcoming Batman and Superman blockbuster.
Warner Bros announced on Thursday that the 41-year-old actor will star as a new incarnation of the Dark Knight in a film bringing Batman and Superman together.
The studio said Affleck will star opposite 30-year-old Henry Cavill, who will reprise his role as Superman from Man of Steel.
The movie will also feature Man of Steel stars Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Diane Lane as Martha Kent.
Production is expected to begin in 2014 for release in July 2015. It will be the first time Batman and Superman have appeared together in the same film.
Despite his superhero credentials, the announcement caused dismay among comic fans.
Within hours, more than 2,000 people had signed a petition asking Warner Bros to remove him from the project.
“His acting skill is not even close to being believable as Bruce Wayne and he won’t do the role justice,” it read. “He’s not built, nor is he intimidating enough for the role of Batman. His portrayal of Daredevil was atrocious and he’s not remotely close to an action star. Please find someone else.”
Despite his superhero credentials, the announcement caused dismay among comic fans.
Within hours, more than 2,000 people had signed a petition asking Warner Bros to remove him from the project.
“His acting skill is not even close to being believable as Bruce Wayne and he won’t do the role justice,” it read. “He’s not built, nor is he intimidating enough for the role of Batman. His portrayal of Daredevil was atrocious and he’s not remotely close to an action star. Please find someone else.”
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