Twitter, with 200 million users, is the most highly anticipated consumer Internet IPO of the moment to come out of Silicon Valley since Facebook went public in May 2012.
The IPO announcement from Twitter came in the form of a Tweet the company posted today:
“We've confidentially submitted an S-1 to the SEC for a planned IPO. This Tweet does not constitute an offer of any securities for sale.”
Below are some interesting twitter facts:
2006: The year Twitter was founded
4: Number of founders (Jack Dorsey, Ev Williams, Biz Stone, Noah Glass)
140: The maximum number of characters in a tweet
40404: The phone number you can text to send a tweet
10958: The phone number Twitter’s founders originally used, before ditching it for something more memorable
208: Average number of Twitter followers per user, according to an October 2012 study
102: Average number of accounts that a Twitter user follows, according to the same study
20,000: Number of tweets sent per day in March 2007
400,000,000: Number of tweets sent per day, in March 2013
300,000: Tweets per minute during Miley Cyrus’ performance at the VMAs
143,199: Tweets per second, during a screening of “Castle in the Sky” in Japan this summer, which set the record for tweet volume
3,051: Tweets per second at the conclusion of the 2010 World Cup, which was the record at that time
3,051: Tweets per second at the conclusion of the 2010 World Cup, which was the record at that time
500,000,000: Number of Twitter users, per one March estimate
20,000,000: Number of fake Twitter accounts, per the New York Times, in April 2013
54,365: Number of verified accounts, which Twitter uses to "establish authenticity of identities of key individuals and brands on Twitter," as of Sept. 12.
40: Percentage of Twitter users who read the service but don’t tweet, per Twitter in 2011
25: Percentage of Twitter users who have never tweeted, per a 2012 study
74: Percentage of Twitter users between the ages of 15 and 25, per the same study
74: Percentage of Twitter users between the ages of 15 and 25, per the same study
999,999,999: Maximum number of dollars, in revenue, that Twitter had in 2012. (Twitter was allowed to file for a “Secret IPO,” which means its maximum revenue for the previous year was $1 billion.)
170 billion: Number of tweets archived by the Library of Congress, as of January 2013
44,447,830: Followers for Justin Bieber, the most followed person on Twitter
42,644,973: Followers for Katy Perry, the 2nd-most followed person on Twitter
40,099,896: Followers for Lady Gaga, the 3rd-most followed person on Twitter
36,523,902: Followers for Barack Obama, the 4th-most followed person on Twitter
793,951: Retweets for this tweet — Barack Obama’s victory tweet — which is the most retweeted tweet of all time.
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